Developing Resilient Relationships by Anne Grady, Resilience Keynote Speaker

Developing Resilient Relationships

Over 85% of our personal and financial success stems not from our technical skills, but from our ability to have positive interpersonal relationships. Whether it’s with a colleague, customer, spouse, boss, friend, or family member, chances are, you’ve had a misunderstanding with someone at one point or another.  I generally find that the root cause of most communication, relationship and team problems share a couple of common denominators…differing perspectives and miscommunication.

New Year, New You

Most people get stuck because they can’t figure out how they’re going to accomplish their goals. Thankfully, you don’t have to know how. That’s not the way your brain works. If you have a clear picture of your goal and visualize it, your brain will work backward to find ways to make it happen. To create this clear picture, we have to reframe the idea of “new year, new you” away from the expectation of an instant, massive lifestyle change to a daily commitment to training our brains to make decisions based on our true beliefs and values – our core.

When Being Strong is the Only Choice You Have

When was the last time you put yourself out there and risked being completely vulnerable? This was a question Brene’ Brown asked at the Texas Conference for Women, where I had the honor to speak about harnessing the power of resilience. I often talk about vulnerability and courage because I believe they lie at the heart of resilience. My journey started with my son, Evan.

Live On Purpose

Are you living your life on purpose or do you spend most of your time reacting? If you’ve ever looked at your caller ID, only to see a number that makes your stomach drop, you are reacting. If you have ever seen someone walking down the hall and you consciously chose to avoid this person, you are reacting. Life is full of emotional and potentially stressful situations. How we respond to those situations as they arise has a profound an effect on our productivity, relationships, and health.