The #1 Way to Achieve Your Dreams
Once you have a clear vision of what you want, your brain automatically works backwards to find ways to make it happen. You begin to make conscious (and subconscious) choices that will make it a reality.
Once you have a clear vision of what you want, your brain automatically works backwards to find ways to make it happen. You begin to make conscious (and subconscious) choices that will make it a reality.
Four letter words have gotten a bad reputation. I’m sure you can think of a handful of them right now. There’s one four letter word, however, that equals communication, camaraderie, and results.
Ah, the curse of knowledge. What seems so completely common sense to us, based on our knowledge or frame of reference, can be perceived so differently from someone else who is looking at the situation from their perspective.
Sleeping, brushing your teeth, breakfast? What do all of these things have in common? Good or bad, they are all habits. In fact, almost everything we do is a habit. While many of us spend lots of time and energy trying to break bad habits, you can’t break a habit unless you have another habit to replace it.
Take This Job And (Part Deux)Take This Job And (Part Deux)Take This Job And (Part Deux) Last week, we began looking at ways to survive a bad boss. The response to the post was amazing. It appears there are many of us who can relate. So here are 5 more tools for your tool box:…