The #1 Way to Achieve Your Dreams
Once you have a clear vision of what you want, your brain automatically works backwards to find ways to make it happen. You begin to make conscious (and subconscious) choices that will make it a reality.
Once you have a clear vision of what you want, your brain automatically works backwards to find ways to make it happen. You begin to make conscious (and subconscious) choices that will make it a reality.
So how do you learn to lead more effectively from a roll of toilet paper? We all have unspoken expectations. In this case, it’s how the toilet paper should go, but in life, it can be just about anything. I have learned that most people don’t fail to meet your expectations because they can’t, not because they don’t want to, or not because they don’t care, but because they don’t know what your expectations are.
Recently I spoke at an event where participants were able to send the speakers questions after the conference. I received some great questions, but one in particular really made me think. It was a simple question, but one that took me a while to answer. “Where do you want to be in 10 years”? I’ve…
Last week’s post began to explore the book, The Happiness Advantage by Sean Achor. Achor provides great research based evidence to support the importance of happiness and how to increase your level of happiness. This week we’ll explore three of the strategies Achor suggests. 1. Our interpretation of reality changes our experience of that…
We all have blind spots. A blind spot is a part of our personality or behavior that we’re not aware of, yet others can see it. And regardless of our intelligence, emotional or otherwise, we all have them.