Emotional Resilience Starts with Vulnerability

Emotional Resilience Starts with Vulnerability

Emotional Resilience Starts with Vulnerability In my TEDxTalk, I tell a story about a video I saw by Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski explaining how lobsters grow. When a lobster grows, its shell becomes constricting and uncomfortable. The shell doesn’t grow with the lobster, so in order to grow the lobster has to shed its shell to…

Simon Bailey Chats with Anne

Our good friend Simon T. Bailey chats with Anne about her book 52 Strategies for Life, Love & Work. #BaileyDaily   #BookoftheWeek You can learn more about Simon over at his web site. HOW RESILIENT ARE YOU? We live in a world where we are bombarded with information, saturated with stimulation, and overloaded with deadlines, tasks,…