Live On Purpose

Are you living your life on purpose or do you spend most of your time reacting? If you’ve ever looked at your caller ID, only to see a number that makes your stomach drop, you are reacting. If you have ever seen someone walking down the hall and you consciously chose to avoid this person, you are reacting. Life is full of emotional and potentially stressful situations. How we respond to those situations as they arise has a profound an effect on our productivity, relationships, and health.

Mind Over Moment

I’d like to introduce you to a concept I’ve come up with called “Mind Over Moment”. Basically this means you make small choices, micro-decisions, throughout the course of your day to achieve the life you want. Now that sounds like common sense, but common sense isn’t always common practice. Where do you want to change your life? Here’s an example of how this might play out.

Take This Job And Shove It - Anne Grady Keynote Speaker

Take This Job And Shove It!

What is the number one reason people feel dissatisfied or leave their job? Contrary to popular belief, it’s not advancement opportunities, it’s not money, it’s not even an inability to do the job. The number one reason people leave or feel dissatisfied at work is their relationship with their immediate supervisor. So what do you do when you want to keep your job but don’t want to lose your sanity?

Leadership Lessons from First Ladies

Recently I had the privilege of speaking at a women’s conference where Maria Shriver and Michelle Obama participated in a thought provoking, funny, and touching Q&A. After standing in line that wrapped around the entire hotel and conference center (over ¼ mile long), navigating through secret service, and weaving through the 3,500 chairs in the room, I took my seat. You could feel the energy in the room. Seriously. While there were a few men scattered throughout, this room was jam packed full of ambitious and talented women leaders, all ready to hang on every word of wisdom these two incredible women had to offer.