Gratitude & Expectations by Anne Grady

Gratitude, Expectations, and Ray Wylie

Gratitude, Expectations, and Ray WylieGratitude, Expectations, and Ray WylieGratitude, Expectations, and Ray Wylie In one of my favorite lyrics, musician Ray Wylie Hubbard (@RayWylie) says, “The days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, those are good days.”  I think it goes without saying that gratitude is an amazing “happiness strategy”.  Check out this…

Saying I'm Sorry by Resilience Expert Anne Grady featuring Randy Pausch Last Lecture

Saying I’m Sorry

Saying I’m SorrySaying I’m SorrySaying I’m Sorry Well, we’re back from a wonderful vacation in the Northeast.  We were visiting family, and I have to admit, I was a bit nervous, as they have not spent a whole lot of time around Evan. Our immediate family has gotten used to his behavior and have learned…