Are You A Tapper?
Ah, the curse of knowledge. What seems so completely common sense to us, based on our knowledge or frame of reference, can be perceived so differently from someone else who is looking at the situation from their perspective.
Ah, the curse of knowledge. What seems so completely common sense to us, based on our knowledge or frame of reference, can be perceived so differently from someone else who is looking at the situation from their perspective.
Are You A People Pleaser?Are You A People Pleaser? I admit it, and I’m calling myself out on this one. While I’m about to lay out veritable words of wisdom, this is definitely one I’m guilty of doing. Why do we try so hard to please others? It’s like our puppy, Bernie. If ever there…
Sleeping, brushing your teeth, breakfast? What do all of these things have in common? Good or bad, they are all habits. In fact, almost everything we do is a habit. While many of us spend lots of time and energy trying to break bad habits, you can’t break a habit unless you have another habit to replace it.
Are You an Addict?Are You an Addict?Are You an Addict? I’ve been doing quite a bit of productivity training lately, and I’ve heard so many people talk about their struggle with stress management. In The Power of Full Engagement, authors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz make an interesting point: Stress is addictive. The hormone adrenaline…
I recently started reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, and it really got me thinking. Am I as happy as I could be? What does that even look like? How would I even know? She quotes a woman named Collette: “What a wonderful life I’ve had! If only I’d realized it earlier.” Will that be me? Will I look back when I’m 80 and realize I had been happy all along?