Developing Resilient Relationships by Anne Grady, Resilience Keynote Speaker

Developing Resilient Relationships

Over 85% of our personal and financial success stems not from our technical skills, but from our ability to have positive interpersonal relationships. Whether it’s with a colleague, customer, spouse, boss, friend, or family member, chances are, you’ve had a misunderstanding with someone at one point or another.  I generally find that the root cause of most communication, relationship and team problems share a couple of common denominators…differing perspectives and miscommunication.

You Can Be Right Or Be Happy. Pick One.

Over 85% of our personal and financial success stems not from our technical skills, but from our ability to have positive interpersonal relationships. If you’ve ever taken a behavioral assessment, like the Myers Briggs, Disc, Insights, colors, animals, etc., then you’re probably familiar with the concepts I’m about to explain. Unfortunately you need a Ph.D. to understand much of what’s been written on the topic. I’m going to simplify it.