Don’t Miss the Boat
You’ve probably heard the story of a man sitting on his porch as flood waters rise. A woman floats by in a boat, asking if the man needs help. “No, thank you,” says the man, “I’m trusting in the Lord.”
You’ve probably heard the story of a man sitting on his porch as flood waters rise. A woman floats by in a boat, asking if the man needs help. “No, thank you,” says the man, “I’m trusting in the Lord.”
Have you ever met someone who made such an impression, it made you want to re-evaluate yourself and the way you live your life? Last week I attended the Association of Women in Communication’s annual conference. The closing keynote speaker was someone I hadn’t heard of, but someone I’m not likely to forget. With her…
DetailsPoet John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887) wrote about “six men of Indostan, to learning much inclined, who went to see the elephant (though all of them were blind), that each by observation, might satisfy his mind.”
In addition to mental illness, my son Evan suffers from severe ADHD. One of Evan’s caregivers, and our friend, recently forwarded me an article on parenting tips and techniques for children with ADHD. It is amazing how many of the suggestions apply to all of us.
Last week while stopped at a red light, there was a man with a sign asking for money. We’ve all seen these folks, and there signs usually read, “Will work for food” or “Hungry, please help”. This gentleman’s sign was different. His sign read, “Road Rage? Yell At A Homeless Guy! 50 cents O.B.O.!” I…