The Four Letter Word That Equals Success

The Four Letter Word That Equals Success

Four letter words have gotten a bad reputation.  I’m sure you can think of a handful of them right now.  There’s one four letter word, however, that equals communication, camaraderie, and results.  It has the capability to be extremely powerful, yet it often struggles to reach its full potential.  It often causes friction, friendship, and frustration, all at the same time.  What is this powerful four letter word?  TEAM.

You’ve probably seen or heard the acronym for T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More).  Why then is it so hard to create effective, high performance teams?  Because teams are made up of individuals, and individuals are imperfect.

I’m often asked how to improve teamwork, resolve conflicts, and improve communication among team members.  There is a pretty straightforward formula that is simple in theory, yet extremely difficult in practice:


The moment we start owning our actions and behavior, communicate effectively, and demonstrate personal leadership, we can accomplish anything, individually or as a team.  Let’s take a look at each piece of the equation.


While this has become a business buzz word, it simply means taking ownership, knowing that you can’t control anyone else’s behavior but your own.  Playing the victim does nothing but frustrate yourself and others.  If you focus on what you can control, YOU, it is much more productive.


We all communicate in our own unique style.  Most people don’t try to intentionally miscommunicate, yet poor communication is the number one culprit of dysfunctional teams.  Listen to understand, ask questions, adapt to others’ communication style, and most importantly, assume people have the best intentions.

Personal Leadership

Act with character and integrity, regardless of what other people do, and you’ll be a lot happier and more productive.  Most of us know when we’re doing or saying something that is less than praise worthy.  Would your mother be proud of your behavior?  If not, it’s time to re-evaluate.

Teamwork is not just a skill.  It is making conscious choices of our behavior and our attitude.  It requires patient, persistence, and practice.  Not all four letter words are bad.  Some can equal phenomenal success!

I had an incredible time chatting with @dr.cindyspeaks on Positively Altered about one of my favorite topics >> resilience!

💪 We covered everything from how stress affects the brain to actionable strategies for resetting your resilience and reclaiming balance. Plus… we even talked donkeys!

🎧 Listen here:

In this episode, we dive into:

🧠 How to train your brain for resilience
😩 The power of sitting in the “suck”
💡 Simple strategies to reset stress and find balance

If you’re ready to transform stress into strength, this one’s for you!

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What is on your to-do list for the week? ✅

I’m sure it includes meetings, tasks, personal chores, and follow-ups, but does it include things that bring you joy?

Instead of waiting for happiness, create it.. You can even focus on enjoyable things while doing the have-to do things.

Slogging through paperwork? Light a candle and listen to your favorite tunes.

Going for a drive? Listen to a stand-up comic or a great book.

Don’t neglect what brings you joy and happiness—make it a ritual and part of your resilience-building routine.

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You know that heart-stopping moment when you try to change lanes, only to realize that someone is in your blind spot?

Blind spots aren’t just for driving. In life and leadership, we all have blind spots—things others see clearly that we don’t.

The tricky part? Blind spots aren’t always glaring flaws. Often, they’re our good intentions getting lost in translation. So, how do you uncover them?

Here’s a simple twist that will make a big difference: Ask for advice instead of feedback. 🗣

This slight shift makes people more likely to offer constructive, actionable insights—without triggering defensiveness. Plus, it builds trust and strengthens relationships.

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Rather than trying to make drastic changes, pick one behavior and integrate it into your day.

Want to start a gratitude practice? Do it while you brush your teeth. Want to take deep breaths? Practice while you make coffee. Adding a new habit to an existing one makes it easier to stick with it.

#mindfulmonday #habitstacking #atomichabits #jamesclear

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Humor changes your biochemistry, emotions, thoughts, and behavior. 😆

A positive mood boosts your immune system! Whether you find your laughter through being around friends, going to a comedy show, watching funny movies, or just being goofy, don’t underestimate the power of a belly laugh and a sense of humor.

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When something stressful happens, there are really 2 different things taking place.

There’s the thing that is happening, and then there is the story that you tell yourself about the thing that’s happening.

The story is where criticism, judgment, self-doubt, and shame come in.

Whatever you have going on in your life right now, take a step back and try to view it from a third-person perspective. See if you can separate the facts from the story you tell yourself about it.

If we can start to separate the situation from the story, the story becomes much less scary because we realize it is one we’re telling.

This makes it easier to accept where you are without judgment, self-doubt, and shame. What we practice grows stronger. 📕

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I had an incredible time chatting with @dr.cindyspeaks on Positively Altered about one of my favorite topics >> resilience!

💪 We covered everything from how stress affects the brain to actionable strategies for resetting your resilience and reclaiming balance. Plus… we even talked donkeys!

🎧 Listen here:

In this episode, we dive into:

🧠 How to train your brain for resilience
😩 The power of sitting in the “suck”
💡 Simple strategies to reset stress and find balance

If you’re ready to transform stress into strength, this one’s for you!

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What is on your to-do list for the week? ✅

I’m sure it includes meetings, tasks, personal chores, and follow-ups, but does it include things that bring you joy?

Instead of waiting for happiness, create it.. You can even focus on enjoyable things while doing the have-to do things.

Slogging through paperwork? Light a candle and listen to your favorite tunes.

Going for a drive? Listen to a stand-up comic or a great book.

Don’t neglect what brings you joy and happiness—make it a ritual and part of your resilience-building routine.

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You know that heart-stopping moment when you try to change lanes, only to realize that someone is in your blind spot?

Blind spots aren’t just for driving. In life and leadership, we all have blind spots—things others see clearly that we don’t.

The tricky part? Blind spots aren’t always glaring flaws. Often, they’re our good intentions getting lost in translation. So, how do you uncover them?

Here’s a simple twist that will make a big difference: Ask for advice instead of feedback. 🗣

This slight shift makes people more likely to offer constructive, actionable insights—without triggering defensiveness. Plus, it builds trust and strengthens relationships.

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Read Up on Resilience!

Anne’s Books Available on!


Anne Grady is a Speaker, Author, and #TruthBomb Dropper.

Anne shares practical strategies that can be applied both personally and professionally to improve relationships, navigate change, and triumph over adversity. And she’ll make you laugh while she does it. Anne is a two time TEDx speaker, and her work has been featured in numerous media outlets, including Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur, Forbes, Fast Company and Inc. magazines, CNN, ESPN, and FOX Business. She is the best selling author of Mind Over Moment: Harness the Power of Resilience, 52 Strategies for Life, Love & Work, and Strong Enough: Choosing Courage, Resilience and Triumph.


  1. As usual, you got me to click on the teaser and read the post. Love starting my work week off with your posts. A coffee mug with the above graphic would totally ROCK my morning java!

  2. As always, your posts pick me and get me started for the week. And this week’s ending graphic, with the determined and successful baby, is perfect.

  3. You always bring a smile to my face on Monday mornings and , wow, it’s Tuesday morning – even better! I enjoyed your talk at the EWTG last week, as did my guests. Keep up the good work. You are truly an inspiration!

  4. Love this! Our team had a great discussion about these topics last week so great timing and love the photo too.

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