What To Do When Life’s Not Fair
What To Do When Life's Not Fair
What To Do When Life’s Not Fair
The year 2013 was not incredibly kind to our family. Between my husband’s motorcycle accident, Evan’s hospitalization, and a whole host of other not so great things, we were looking forward to starting fresh in 2014.
Unfortunately, since January, we have had a laundry list of challenges, including the diagnosis of a tumor in my neck that was found the day Evan came home. Now, when I’m on stage or with clients, I share the importance of being optimistic, handling daily challenges head on, and the power of positive thinking. While I absolutely believe and try to live those philosophies daily, sometimes it’s easier said than done.
So what do you do when life’s just not fair? What do you do when you feel like you are confronted with one obstacle after another?
While everyone handles it differently, most of us initially start with some combination of denial, anger, frustration, and “why me?”. I am certainly no exception.
But when the dust settles, you still have to deal with reality. While some people seem to be more resilient than others, most choose to push on through because giving up is not a practical option.
Whether we cope with crisis through prayer and positive thinking or using unhealthy vices to numb the pain, we all have to cope.
Even when the sky seems to be falling, it’s important to remain grateful for the successes along the way. I found out two weeks ago that the tumor is benign (thank God), but I still have to have it removed this Wednesday because it can become malignant. While I’m not looking forward to having my face and neck sliced open and drinking dinner through a straw for a week, I am grateful that it wasn’t a whole lot worse.
I am grateful that Evan is home, and while we’re not where we need to be, he’s definitely made progress. I’m grateful that I have a family that loves me, an incredible support system, and the means to be able to receive medical treatment. Even in the midst of what feels like the perfect storm, there are positive things that happen along the way if you make the effort to look for them.
Life happens. Sometimes it doesn’t happen the way we would like it to, but it happens nonetheless. While having a pity party, getting angry, and shedding a few tears is totally natural, we all get to choose whether or not we’ll stay stuck there.
Life happens. Sometimes it doesn’t happen the way we would like it to, but it happens nonetheless. While having a pity party, getting angry, and shedding a few tears is totally natural, we all get to choose whether or not we’ll stay stuck there.
If you are in an up cycle (life is good), celebrate every day. Be grateful and revel in the good times. If you are in a down cycle, and everything thing that can go wrong seems to be going that way, find things to be grateful for, lean on the people who love you, and trudge on because it WILL get better.
The next time you see me, I’ll be sporting a cool scar from the top of my ear to the middle of my neck. I have decided that it happened during an Olympic fencing event, rescuing a baby from a burning building, or one hell of a bar fight (and you should see the other guy).
One way or another, I’ll come out stronger, and I’ll be grateful. How will you handle it the next time life’s just not fair? You get to choose.
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Anne breaks down the daily habits and skills needed to grow and cultivate RESILIENCE.
Humor changes your biochemistry, emotions, thoughts, and behavior. 😆
A positive mood boosts your immune system! Whether you find your laughter through being around friends, going to a comedy show, watching funny movies, or just being goofy, don’t underestimate the power of a belly laugh and a sense of humor.
When something stressful happens, there are really 2 different things taking place.
There’s the thing that is happening, and then there is the story that you tell yourself about the thing that’s happening.
The story is where criticism, judgment, self-doubt, and shame come in.
Whatever you have going on in your life right now, take a step back and try to view it from a third-person perspective. See if you can separate the facts from the story you tell yourself about it.
If we can start to separate the situation from the story, the story becomes much less scary because we realize it is one we’re telling.
This makes it easier to accept where you are without judgment, self-doubt, and shame. What we practice grows stronger. 📕
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always loved @mcdonalds, but I had no idea how life-changing my experience with them would be.
Staying in the @rmhdallas allowed us to be close to Evan during his first psychiatric hospitalization. They cared for us so we could care for him. 💛
I’m so grateful to have an opportunity to give back and speak for their amazing team.
Do you ever wake up and think, “Wow, how did I get here so fast?”
You’ve checked all the right boxes—went to school, built a career, and picked up some valuable lessons along the way. Maybe you have kids, pets, plants, or all three, but chances are you have a whole lot of responsibilities.
I’m turning 50 next month, and I’ve been thinking a lot about “midlife.” Here’s the thing about life - most of us live it on autopilot. Monday starts a race to the weekend, and when you finally get there, you spend it doing all the things you didn’t have time to do during the week. We repeat this cycle, minus a few holidays and vacations, until we retire or die.
There are many ways to have a midlife reinvention (and no, it doesn’t require a crisis). More in this month’s blog! Link in my bio 👆

Anne Grady is a Speaker, Author, and #TruthBomb Dropper.
Anne shares practical strategies that can be applied both personally and professionally to improve relationships, navigate change, and triumph over adversity. And she’ll make you laugh while she does it. Anne is a two time TEDx speaker, and her work has been featured in numerous media outlets, including Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur, Forbes, Fast Company and Inc. magazines, CNN, ESPN, and FOX Business. She is the best selling author of 3 books. Her newest, Mind Over Moment: Harness the Power of Resilience, is available on Amazon now.
(512) 821-1111
P.O. BOX 5815 | ROUND ROCK, TEXAS | 78683
Just what I needed today. Thank you Anne. Your positiveness is so inspiring! I do pray for you and your family and hope everything turns out great.
Thanks for the prayers, Juanita!
Thanks for sharing such personal and inspirational stories with us. Prayers for you and your family during your surgery and recovery.
Thanks for the prayers, Carolyn!
Thanks, I needed that! Headed to the doctor Wednesday so say a prayer for me.
Prayers headed your way, Susana 🙂
I would recommend the baby and burning building with acquaintances and with your friends, I like the bar fight scenario best! In all seriousness I am putting you and your family back on my daily prayer list. I’ll ask Him if He can’t give you a break, for at least a little while. For me self pity has not worked well, if it lasted for very long. I did learn though you have to seek help it doesn’t always find you.
Thanks for the prayers, Lesa. Very much appreciated 🙂
Ann–I’m so relieved that the tumor is benign! I’m thanking God too! Very glad to hear that Evan is home from the hospital and is doing better.
I was trying to think of a fun, Game of Thrones explanation for your scar, but I don’t think Tyrion can reach that high.
Thanks, Chantal 🙂
I always appreciate your blog. It is easy to relate to and it reminds me that we are all linked together in the experience called life. All of us have scars, some physical and some emotional. Your words of encouragement are a way for us to be connected and support one another. It will get better Anne. Keep trudging!
Thanks, Marji 🙂
Anne, I am so sorry to hear of all of the trials that you and your family have encountered recently. I am thankful that your tumor is not malignant. I share your stuggle, I was diagnosed with leukemia 6 yrs ago. At first I went through the usual gamet of emotions. But after the initial shock I decided that life is a precious gift and that I could be consumed by pitty, or live each day for what it is “a very precious gift”. I have to tell you that it has made such a difference in my quality of life. It amazes me how after a life changing experience how you look at life so different. The rose smells a little sweeter, a childs laugh warms your heart, a sunset makes you drink in each and every ray of color and for these things I can be thankful for each day. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I remember meeting you on the way in from the parking lot at a meeting at the University of Texas. You are a sweet lady and I hope you have a blessed day. Please keep us posted on how you and your family are doing. We really do care!
Tammera Rivers
Thank you so much, Tammera. I appreciate your words of wisdom, appreciate your prayers, and pray that you are doing and feeling well.
What an amazing story of resillence and positive thinking. I am right now in a season of everything that can go wrong is going wrong. My health has been an issue for over a year and I had to limit my physical activity as well as many of the community and church activities. But reading your story gives me a renewed hope and encourages me to do those things I can physically do until things get better.
I pray God’s blessing upon you and your family. That he will bring complete healing to you and Evan.
Thank you and keep trudging!
Kimberly, thanks so much for your prayers and good thoughts. Just keep swimming!